This posting comprises another trio of Scruples (#’s 9, 10, 11). The previous eight and their posted dates are: #’s 1-3/ December, 2013; #’s 4-6/ March 2014; #’s 7-8/ September 2015.
All share the same leitmotif : “The idea of scruples has to do with ethics and morality: what is right and wrong. Scruples are a kind of moral compass that lets you know what’s right.” ( )
Written with the best of intentions, may they be well worth reading.
Too bad for the jar
of jellybeans
as a cat
with a sweet tooth
shows up, all
at once, out
of curiosity, on
the top shelf…
Worse comes soon
after, when
he starts pawing
around, by
and large, closer,
Their worst off
would be
if, in due time,
he devours
the strawberries,
key limes,
every cherry,
a whole lot
of tutti fruttis.
Today was meant for me
to find a starfish
with seven arms, another
map stowed
in a bottle, a mixed bag
of old coins…
The best beachcombing comes
after a storm;
as soon as the tide lies low,
more and more
flotsam shows up…
Whatever does can make
any day’s luck
good or bad, sometimes
in a streak.
Honey—a bunch of Huns
is heading this way—
astride the mountain road,
raging at full gallop.
While I fetch the wagon,
take a last, fast look
around—make the load
good and light.
Those fiends won’t find
a soul to greet them,
much less do their bidding.
If all goes well, we’ll ferry
the river by dark,
hide on the safe side…
Elsewhere, only a miracle
can save our home,
sweet home, from
the likes of them.
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